Tools for Navigating Pregnancy + Reproductive Care
Muscles and joints shift and jostle. The heart’s pounding rhythm speeds up. Blood roars through arteries and veins.
Over the course of a pregnancy, every organ in the body changes. Initiated by a range of hormones, these changes begin as soon as a pregnancy begins.
Explore what we know— and don’t know— about pregnancy's effects on the body and brain.
Useful Tools:
fertility calculator
This resource explains how ovulation works, signs of ovulation, and things you need to know if you want to conceive.
due date calculator
How pregnant are you? These calculators are based on a 28-day menstrual cycle. Read How Many Months Pregnant Are You?
Are you pregnant?
Take this quiz based on
recognizing the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy. Read Why Do I Feel Pregnant When I'm Not?
choosing a birth control method
What is the right birth control for you? It's the one you want to use based on your values and preferences. This tool by Planned Parenthood can help.
tracking your mentrual cycle
The length of your cycle is measured from that day to the first day of your next period. For most, the average cycle is 28 days, although anything from 21 to 35 days is considered normal in adults. There are many tools available to help you track your periods. We like the Spot On app by Planned Parenthood because it protects your information; some apps don't. While we love the resources at Hello Clue created by the makers of Clue app, we can't recommend the app if you have concerns about keeping your information secure and private.
Over-the-counter pregnancy tests give potentially life-changing results with a pretty high rate of accuracy.
But how do they work?
Tien Nguyen explains how each test performs a scientifically rigorous, multi-stage experiment that goes from start to finish in the time that it’ll take you to watch this video.
Things we love about this video:
they explain that miscarriage is common and that most miscarriages are the result of things that are outside of our control - and not caused by something we did or didn't do
they talk about the care you can choose when you're having a miscarriage - including vacuum extraction and medications that save lives (mifepristone and misoprostol)
they acknowledge what can happen when we don't have access to essential reproductive health care
Globally, around 23 million pregnancies end in miscarriage each year.
Despite how common it is, miscarriage can still feel isolating, and for some, emotionally traumatizing.
And myths about miscarriage add to the stigma, leading many to blame themselves for the loss.
So what happens in the body during miscarriage?
Contraceptives are designed to prevent pregnancy in three basic ways: they either block sperm, disable sperm before they reach the uterus, or suppress ovulation.
But is one strategy better than the other? And how does each one work?
NWHunter describes the mechanics behind different kinds of contraceptives.
We like the tone and content of the Health & Pregnancy Guide at WebMD. But it is not a good resource for comprehensive information about substance use, pregnancy, and parenting.