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Free Resources

We believe that knowledge is power and information is liberation.


So we're compiling a library of information and a list of resources

to help you navigate pregnancy and parenting.


Please share your favorite resources with us!




set your goals

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learn about Harm Reduction

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understand UDTs

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store more safely

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The makers of the Clue app - which is used for tracking your periods - have created an encyclopedia of articles and resources on:

We like their straight-forward approach, helpful information, respectful tone, and inclusive language. However, we can not recommend the app because of privacy concerns.

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Trusted health information when you need it most.
Know more, feel better.

Verywell Health is an award-winning online resource for reliable, understandable, and up-to-date health information on the medical topics that matter most to you. We take a human approach to health and wellness content—a welcome alternative to hyper-clinical health sites.

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Planned Parenthood Federation of America is a nonprofit organization that provides sexual health care in the U.S. and globally.


Planned Parenthood delivers reproductive health care, sex ed, and information to millions of people.


Whether in person, by virtual appointments, or by phone, they will be there in every way they can to provide you with the health care you need. 

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Erika Goyer, Director of Communications
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  • offer your expertise
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Academy of Perinatal Harm Reduction

2850 SW Cedar Hills BLVD #2061

Beaverton, OR 97005



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Thanks for talking to us! Gracias!

When you share your contact information with us we use it to send you quarterly newletters, free resources, and information on timely advocacy issues. We do not share or sell your information.


The information on this site and in our presentations is offered as public health education.

It does not replace getting individualized care with licensed medical professionals.

The purpose of Harm Reduction is not to encourage or condone the use of substances.

Our purpose is to educate patients and providers so they can make informed decisions.



© 2024 by Academy of Perinatal Harm Reduction. Proudly created with

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